Going through life paycheck to paycheck, using up all your money even before the next paycheck, is like locking yourself up in financial prison and throwing away the key.
This negative cycle MUST be broken before you can ever hope to get ahead. You break it by obeying "The Only Law About Money You Ever Really Need To Know." This "Law" requires a habit that, over time, changes the lives of all who use it for the better. At first, the results may seem insignificant. But it is the habit itself that leads to big differences. The Law is: Pay Yourself First. Out of every dollar that comes to you, in your paycheck or from any and every other sources, expected or unexpected, you take a pre-determined percentage off the top and put that aside as an "untouchable," as savings, BEFORE you pay any other bill. You might choose just 1%: from a dollar, a penny. You might choose 5%; from each dollar, a nickel. But "lock in" on that percentage and keep this promise to yourself no matter what.
Now, we know this is going to sound crazy to many readers. "Hey." you might argue,"I'm not getting all my bills paid now, using 100% of my income--now you want me to manage with 95%?--how's that gonna work? Fortunately, you don't have to believe this law makes any sense for it to pay dividends. All you have to do is obey it. If you will try this idea, and stick with it absolutely, for just three months, you will see for yourself how your attitudes about money AND your actual financial situation almost miraculously changes for the better.
Here is 'bottom line': You must change the way you THINK about money, before the actual money situations of your life will change.
This negative cycle MUST be broken before you can ever hope to get ahead. You break it by obeying "The Only Law About Money You Ever Really Need To Know." This "Law" requires a habit that, over time, changes the lives of all who use it for the better. At first, the results may seem insignificant. But it is the habit itself that leads to big differences. The Law is: Pay Yourself First. Out of every dollar that comes to you, in your paycheck or from any and every other sources, expected or unexpected, you take a pre-determined percentage off the top and put that aside as an "untouchable," as savings, BEFORE you pay any other bill. You might choose just 1%: from a dollar, a penny. You might choose 5%; from each dollar, a nickel. But "lock in" on that percentage and keep this promise to yourself no matter what.
Now, we know this is going to sound crazy to many readers. "Hey." you might argue,"I'm not getting all my bills paid now, using 100% of my income--now you want me to manage with 95%?--how's that gonna work? Fortunately, you don't have to believe this law makes any sense for it to pay dividends. All you have to do is obey it. If you will try this idea, and stick with it absolutely, for just three months, you will see for yourself how your attitudes about money AND your actual financial situation almost miraculously changes for the better.
Here is 'bottom line': You must change the way you THINK about money, before the actual money situations of your life will change.